Ben 10
Ben 10 was a animated series produced by Cartoon Network Studios, and created by Man of Action. The series is about a 10 year old boy named Ben Tennyson who gets a watch-like alien device called the"Omnitrix". Attached to his wrist, which allows him to transform into various creatures that are extraterrestrial.
The pilot episode aired on December 27, 2005. The next installment was shown on January 13, 2006, and also the last episode aired on April 15, 2008.
The series gradually became popular among viewers, turning right into a franchise, being nominated for 2 Emmy Awards, winning one for"Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation". Ben 10 was succeeded by Ben 10 Ultimate Alien. A new series named Ben 10.
Released: 2005-12-27
Duration: 22
United States of America
Cartoon Network Studios